Disini saya ingin mengucapkan Selamat Pengantin Baru kepada kawan kita Sukor kerana telah bergelar suami. Kami bertandang ke rumah beliau pada 4 Mei 2009 di Wakaf Tapai.
Setelah kami habis makan Meong Call, dia kata on the way ke rumah Sukor(dok atas highway LPT, Gambang), nak makan gulai kawah tak tau lah sapa ko dok.
Semoga Kekal Selamanya Hingga Anak Cucu.
Kasih Berpanjangan........>>>>>>
From: (Che Mat, Tok, Abon(Seluar merah), Pak Abu)
Shady arborist causes over $300k in damages to neighbor's yard, neighbor
purchases his and his parent's online identity: ‘MY website is the #1
result on Google if you search for [him]’
It only cost one tree for this man to destroy his entire online
presence—personal and professionally. What happened you ask? It started
with some damages...
9 hours ago
Selamat pengantin baru sutor.. tuwoooooo
cantik menarik kau memg da boommm...
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