Dengar kata H1N1 dah jadi H1N2 kat luar negara.. khabar angin negara tu adalah Hong Kong.. ini kerana virus tu dah immune.. betol ke? buleh sesiapa sahkan tak bende ni? bahaya woo.. mati la suma org kat bumi ni.. :p
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Remote work has allowed many individuals in the workforce to save time that
would have been spent traveling to work, on other things. However, remote
8 hours ago
Salam, according to my niece doctor (sy bwk die g klinik smalam becoz of cold n cough), die ckp bhw nanti 2 juta org akan kene H1N1. H1N1 ni jd famous sebab die penyakit baru walhal every year di US sahaja, 36000 ribu org died just becoz of normal die ckp..H1N1 ni xde obat, same mcm cold biase yg kite dapat.cume atas antibody seseorg shj yg menjauhkan somebody dari any viruses in the world!anyway anyhow, his advise was...makan la vitamin C byk2 n stay clean...insyaALlah...jg diri, jg isteri,suami, jg family anda! salam sayang -ruzaana-
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